So many things happened! On Tuesday I had a little play with Sparkie bareback and he was fab as usual and then I jumped Jack- every time I jump him I still cannot get over the improvement in him, he is honestly like a different horse, he is such a good boy! We finished off around just under 2ft6(not that heights matter AT all) I just wanted to challenge him a bit as he now finds smaller jumps easy. He had a bit of a moment when I backed off as I wasn't completely sure of myself, but once he'd popped it once he flew it no problem and was taking me into it full of confidence and really enjoying himself :) I also went to see the amazing Mr Jake Bugg that night, who just for the record was AMAZING! Seeing him again in February and also seeing the support act The Family Rain again in a couple of weeks- any music fans, I seriously suggest you check them both out :) I also went to see Bastille on Sunday who were also pretty awesome (everyone needs a Dan Smith in their life, he's just too much adorable)
Then on Monday it was time for a ginger day! First it was Sunny's turn- well didn't he just try his absolute hardest! He's been doing a lot of pessoa work lately and it's so clear that it's made a difference- he feels so much more powerful and is pushing from behind and bringing his back up so much more. He even had to deal with cows being herded down the road, which is very exciting, but he was such a good boy- well done Sunny :)
Then it was up to my yard (after a Mcdonalds stop duh) to ride my ponies. They were also both really good boys, Sparkie jumped brilliantly- at one point I sat back and didn't push him enough into a face, and being his usual dishonest self he did put a dirty stop in, but he came back round and jumped it brilliantly which is such a big thing for him as this time last year I would probably have had to just take him and give up and after that, I think it really shows how much his confidence has come on this year. I think he's finally (thank god, it's about bloody time Sparks!!) growing up! Jack was also a good boy, he is so, so much better at the ground at the minute, definitely think he's starting to mature just hope he keeps up. Now his ground manners are pretty much sorted, I just need to get his schooling up to scratch, but we're definitely starting to fit all the pieces together I think :) However, I will be getting him a grackle bridle as he is getting a bit of a menace for crossing his jaw and evading the bit (his teeth etc are fine promise, he'd just rather not hold his own weight up if there's a chance you could haha!)
Beth, Sparkie, Jack & Carling :) xxx