Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Bath time!

As always I have a few things to blog about! Had a good start to week, all ponies have been pessoaed (Minus Ron obviously, who, by the way, turned two on Monday!) which has been successful. Sparkie & Sunny both went lovely, Jack was a little tense and hollow but he'll get there, just going to spend more time working on him with the pessoa. On Monday I had a little jumping session with Jack working on courses and learning to do doubles and he was SO good, he literally just steps over everything up to 2ft9 with so much ease, I'm very excited to see what he's capable of this summer :)

 Then today it was a really lovely day so we bathed Sunny & Jack! They were both good boys and now both smell lovely and have lovely long flowing locks! 

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Long hacks and scary fillers

First of all I'd like to apologise for the abnormally large pictures on my last post, I was not aware that had happened and I'm not sure how to fix that so apologies! 
 Anyhoo... on Monday we went for a really long hack with Sunny & Sparkie up to the Chase which was super fun. Sparkie hasn't hacked on roads for a good 6 months and he was so well behaved, I was really proud of how he behaved :) Had some fun jumping ditches on the common (Since when did he decide ditches were his thing?) and then a good blast down the bridle path on the way back; that pony certainly can fly!

they're all kinds of adorable the both of them

Sparkie modelling his bridle 
Then yesterday it was back off to Ashwood but this time to hire the jumping arena not the xc and with Sparkie & Sunny in tow this time. Not the best outing I've had with Sparkie this year, he was very spooky of some of the fillers and generally took the vernacular a little bit a few times, I think he forgot who was riding him, you don't get away with these things nowadays Sparkie! The problem we have is that we have very similar personalities and stress each other out very quickly so I just took him in his own little corner to chill and do some transitions for a bit more for my sake than he is and then he jumped lovely after that (apart from one filler he'd took a particular dislike to, odd pony). He definitely realised that he was martingale-less and took advantage of that so I shall be putting that back on him I think. Things could have gone a lot worse though I guess and it was definitely more me than him; whereas before it was his confidence that was the issue, nowadays he is just being a typical 13hher and testing me out! He warmed up beautifully though and jumped really nicely once he'd got his head screwed on so I was happy with him still; can't stay angry at that adorable little Moo for long. Sunny was a good boy and jumped the best I've seen him go away from home, however his back end was just a tad bit too active at times... horses have 4 legs not 2 Sunny dear. 

that's the face of a pony who loves his job!

Blackpool beach time

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Hacking, Schooling, XC and Everything

So much has happened in just a week I don't really know where to start! Been on some fun hacks with all the boys and had a few schooling sessions as well. Had some fun playing with Ron who thought he'd spice our schooling session up by chasing everyone round whilst we cantered; cheeky monkey! Ron also had his first bath which was... interesting. I think it's fair enough to say he's not met a hose before so he wasn't too impressed but he looks so much better for it so it was worth our efforts! We also went to visit Molly with Lottie. Was lovely to see her again and to see her doing so well in her new home, she's obviously very happy and they love her to pieces. 

Then yesterday it was time for Jack's first outing of the year with Emma and Lottie riding Sparkie (only his second ridden outing in his life!) The day got off to a good start when he loaded first time and travelled perfectly which is a HUGE thing because both of these are things we've had a lot of problems with. He stood nicely to be tacked up and groomed and he was an absolute saint to warm up, his transitions were completely spot on and he was just so well mannered with perfect brakes, I could not have asked for better behaviour from him! He was a little bit nervy when we first started jumping as he's never seen xc fences before so it took a while to build his confidence up but that's fine, he's 4 and he wasn't doing anything to be naughty he was just unsure of what he was being asked so I just sat quietly and persisted with him until he knew he had to go over them. Once he had his confidence up he flew everything. We even finished doing a little hunter trial practice course and he was foot perfect at every single fence, he was a pleasure to ride, I had the biggest smile on my face the whole way round. So so proud of the amazing little horse he is becoming and it makes me so happy to say that everything he does has come from me. What a star. Sparkie was also fantastic as per and everyone had a lovely day! :)

Monday, 14 April 2014

Winner winner chicken dinner

two wins at pdrc for Team Ginger yesterday! 
First was Sunny's turn in the 1ft6. He came out with 4 faults and jumped the best round I've ever seen him jump, no hesitation, flowing nicely round the course to win! Well done Sunny! (We will not mention his behaviour for the rest of the day as that is irrelevant) 

Because they run horses and ponies together at Penkridge it meant the classes were quite busy and there was a lot of waiting around. I had to get back in time for work, so there wasn't time for me to do the classes I'd intended to (2ft6 and 2ft9) so I just stuck to the clear round. Had one very out of (reformed) character simply because the jumps were far too small for him haha! Put them all up a good few holes and took him round again and he jumped lovely the second time round, far better! Then on a last minute decision, I was persuaded to do the 2ft class. I thought he might be a bit silly because the jumps were so small, but he was a very good boy, he jumped and turned where he was asked and I couldn't ask for more really :) Jumped double clear with a jump off time of 28 seconds to win; felt so so good to be back doing a jump off again even if it was in such a diddly class, I have missed those turns! Super duper pony; feeling a hat trick at Greenacres Sparkie? ;)

Monday, 7 April 2014

Rainbow cake, lasagne & rosettes

So this weekend it was my birthday! (Well, just the Sunday, but this is a blog about the whole weekend.) On Saturday we spent the day fence judging at Stafford Horse Trials which was a really fun day. Then we went home and had lasagne and RAINBOW CAKE which was pretty awesome and probably the best cake ever. Then the next day was my 18th and also the first show of the season! Feels sad to finally be out of ponies ( :( ) but luckily they've now introduced adults on ponies at Stafford Riding Club so I can now take Sparkie in the horse classes! The original plan was to take Jack, but after some thought and with him only just coming back into work after being lame I decided to take Sparkie again. Both Sunny & Sparkie loaded perfectly and travelled great both ways and they were very well behaved at the show. Both did the clear round and Sunny & Emma did the 2ft3 which they came third in- yay! He only had two run outs and jumped his first triple (well a double coming into a spread a few strides out but I didn't know how else to explain it) beautifully both times; best he's jumped at a show! Me & Sparkie did the 2ft6 which he jumped round lovely and came 1st which was a great way to start off the season and also a great birthday present haha! Love my little Moo pony :)

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Best ride ever.

*so far ;-) *
So on Saturday it was xc time for Sparkie and Sunny again! Back off to Somerford but this time we did the farm ride. Sunny was a bit of monkey and quite nappy but once he'd had a good telling off he jumped lovely and gave everything a good go. Sparkie was so, so confident, he genuinely was such a pleasure to ride, he just took everything in his stride; whatever he was pointed at he went straight over. Most of the fences were about 3ft which is usually a little bit out of his comfort zone (even though he is more than capable) but he wasn't phased at all, he was just having so much fun and felt brilliant. I can honestly say it was the best he's ever felt for me, probably one of the best memories I've had with him in over 5 years! What a little super star! If I can keep this happy, confident Sparkie I would be more than happy, he really is excelling himself at the minute. 

wish he wouldn't make jumps look so small! You're only 13.3hh remember Sparks!

Fab ponies :) In other news, Jack is off work at the minute as he's not been 100%, he's slightly lame, so he's just been chilling and healing himself, hopefully he'll be okay again soon. Ron had his feet done with no sedation for the first time the other week (and his first time having his feetsies trimmed with us) and also had his mane pulled ready to be a little show pony one day.