Saturday, 16 February 2013

Jack has an adventure...

Hello! For the first time, in what...6 months!?, the...wait no, you won't believe it. Well, the sun came out. 

*recovers from shock*. It was actually a really lovely day, so much so that ponies had to strip off a layer, please say summer is hurrying itself along!? Anyhoo, went up the yard with Maddie and had a lovely morning, gave Sparks a quick lunge before tomorrow and he was a very good boy, despite not being overly pleased at having side reins back on, abuse, I know. Still mega pleased with how much he's come on on the lunge, such an achievement for him! Also gave him a quick canter on each reins after and he was very polite and didn't try to take off like he usually does with no martingale, so fingers crossed he's finally getting it into his head that he should have born a show pony...maybe.

how adorable is he though! And a quick video of our attempt at walk to canter on the lunge...

Next was Jack's turn! Haven't done anything with him since the start of the year due to the weather, but as per he was not phased in the slightest! He goes lovely in both walk and trot now(far better than Sparkie, oops embarrassing eh Sparks) and even managed a little canter (ON THE CORRECT LEG GUYS) on both reins after a lot of persuasion and pony club kicking... he understands perfectly well the word 'canter' and the leg aids for canter, it's just that really, he prefers to go no faster than..well, halt tbh, lazy child! After that, decided to take him for a walk down the lane to cool him off and once again he was a star, even had a little trot! Not phased by cars or even a very scary hoover, aaaaah I love him so much! 

Beth, Sparkie, Jack & Carling! xxxx

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