Friday, 17 January 2014

2013 goals!?

So I was just taking a browse through my 2013 blogs (I wrote 54. How? What? When? and I thought I was crap at this blogging stuff!) and in one of the January ones I found a post I'd made about my goals for 2013. Firstly... EXCUSE ME!? I honestly have no memory of writing these and ever thinking this was a good idea, lol, I was pretty sure my only goal was to have fun but appaz not! So I didn't really spend 2013 working on these goals as I didn't remember they existed haha, but lets see if I did them anyway... here goes!
* to teach at least one of my horses to be ridden tackless. 
I made a good attempt on this! I can ride Sparkie tackless in a small fenced of area in walk, trot and canter. Maybe one day I will teach Jack to do this as he's more sensible haha, but I definitely did quite a bit of tackless shenanigans with Sparkie moo.
* to ride on the beach

Unfortunately not, however this will DEFINITELY be achieved this year!
* to go XC

Nailed that shit. Three times. High five to me.
* to get Sparkie's confidence back up...sigh

Oh. Kind of nailed that as well. Hello 2010 Sparkie, you have been missed, welcome to 2014.
* to go to a show again

I went to 7 shows. Goal= achieved. 7 shows ending up with three 1sts, a 3rd and a 4th. Well played 2013.
* to take Jack to a show!

Well I definitely did this. I like the fact that the success of said show was not mentioned in the goal, just the actual going to the show, so I still managed. Even if my horse lay down and reared up a lot. Yep.
* to take Jack on a hack (it rhymes, how fancy)

Clearly I should of took A level English. Achieved quite a few times!
* hunter trials/ODE/hunting (I will probably die doing one of these)

Not achieved. However probably wisely as I correctly stated, I most likely would die. Oh Sparkie.

So that's 6 out of 8 goals- that I didn't even know I had! Yay for secret goals and big yays for 2013!

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