Sunday, 8 March 2015

Baby horse saves bef's ass take two

This seems to be becoming a regular occurrence. 
Took Jack Arena Eventing today. Decided to be be brave and enter the 75cm which is the biggest class he's done so far however any braveness I was in possession of in 2014 has gone on what I hope is a temporary holiday and I wasn't feeling quite so brave today (can I not just do the 50cm please and thank you). Jack was a complete saint and saved me multiple times, I was an absolute wreck before we entered the ring and had pretty much decided that if he stopped at the first fence that was cool I'd rather just go home and have a cry and be a loser in general really. However, as usual he is a completely different horse when in the ring, he has a job to do and he loves it he switches on 100% and was a little super star. He was kind of like 'it's cool Mum, you just be a passenger, I got this, I can do a much better job without you to be honest!'. We had a few run outs which were due to a general lack of steering due to rider shitting bricks, but he jumped so well and was such a pleasure, not phased by the water or the fillers or anything and actually jumped loads better over that height (as in actually jumped. Not just skipped merrily over the top). He was a very nice pony to be around today and I love him lots and apologise for the prune of a rider plonked on top. 

Yesterday I went to play ponies in the sun with Lottie and had such a lovely day! Big thank you to one of the liveries at her yard for letting me have a play on her horse Paddy he was lovely and I wish to take him home. I also wish to take Star home because he is 100% one of the coolest horses I've ever met. More days like yesterday please!

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