Monday, 30 December 2013

So it's almost 2014...

Firstly I am writing this on my phone so please be prepared for any horrendous spelling mistakes (amused/anused for example. Not good.) is it 2014!? Wut. Why. How? Crazaaaay. I feel with 1 day left of 2013, now would be a good time to reflect on this year and also to set some goals for next year, so here we go... Basically 2013 was the best year of my life so far. This by all means doesn't mean it was all plain sailing because life just isn't, but before now when people would say to me 'it's worth it for the good moments' I honestly thought they were talking out of their arse. At the start of this year, I could quite happily tell you that there was no point to life at all. I'm not in any way trying to cry out for attention or make out I was depressed lol because I wasn't, that was just my general opinion on life I didn't understand why you had to live, like what was the purpose of all that? Why work so hard to be alive when you could just not exist instead, I mean life is hard I just didn't have time for that, I would rather have just been asleep forever and ever because sleep is easy and I can do that well. If you asked me what my opinion on life was now, I guess I can see why you'd want to do this living thing because sometimes it's kind of the most amazing thing ever and when it's like that, it is so worth it. I mean, my 13.3hh pony jumped some circling huge BE100 fences, when did I ever imagine that being a thing that happened? My horse that almost two years ago now very almost died learnt to jump and hack and do grown up things and is one day going to become the horse I always wanted. I am so, so lucky and I honestly cannot wait for 2014. (I am now going to stop being so deep and creepy/cheesy/we sometimes words fall out of my brain before I can stop them I'm sorry.) I always hate setting goals for myself because I never feel like I'm going to achieve them, but this year I'm going to give it a go and if I achieve them fantastic, if I don't, it's ok! So... *to have Jack working in a consistent outline in at least walk and trot. *to improve Sparkies flatwork slightly as I feel this is the only thing he really needs to work on now! *to jump a course on Jack *to jump 85cm/2ft9 on Jack *gallop bareback on either horses *gallop sparkie on the beach and finally *improve Jacks loading. Happy new Year and see you in 2014!

Friday, 27 December 2013

It's Christmasssssssssssssssssssssss!

Merry Christmas! On Christmas Eve me and Emma went up and played Chase me Charlie with Jack & onesies (please don't try to be as cool as us, you'll only disappoint yourself.) Well when we set off to start our ride the weather was lovely and it was all going fab until we got attacked by some crazy gale force winds, the weather was horrendous! Jack got a little bit upset and had a 5 minute tantrum but given how terrible it actually was he could have been so much worse, they were both very very good for their age, they could easily have freaked out and put us on the floor so many times! They both settled down and jumped really well up to 2ft6 which is the biggest both of them have jumped..maybe when the weather is better we'll go higher, but it was honestly awful and they made us so proud with how grown up they were! Just as we finished, a mahooooosive gust of wind came over and spooked them both which was great as Emma had no stirrups and I had no reins from holding my camera, they both turned and bolted but they came back so quickly and we were both laughing about it... think we must trust our youngsters a little bit too much sometimes!

I had a good Christmas and got such lovely presents off everyone- my mum and dad got me a red and blue custom made racesafe which is so, so lovely! I had a little ride in it bareback with my little Sparks on Christmas day which was cute :) The ponies all had a specially made Christmas dinner too!
Then on Boxing Day me and my Dad went for a little hack with Sparkie. He was really good, we went down one path where three horses galloped up and down next to us the whole way down but he wasn't bothered at all. We find what I thought was a little ditch, but actually turned out to be a huge wall with a ditch in front of it to jump and he had a good run in one of the fields (stopping was a slight issue, but we did stop eventually!)


Thursday, 19 December 2013

We did some shows

Had a super busy weekend! On Sunday me and Emma went to a Christmas Show with Sparkie, Sunny & Lysie in tow. First of all, we totally kicked ass in the fancy dress, no one else even came near us, so a big thank you to my mother for her hard work there, we all looked pretty darn awesome.

The fancy dress class was only 1ft6 so therefore Sparkie was a bit of a crazy pony (he has no respect for smaller ponies!) and how I managed to actually remain on him and in relative control and get round clear I am slightly unaware! We came come with a 1st for the class & Sunny & Lysie got a 1st for their fancy dress- wins for Team Ginger all round!

Then when I got back I rode Jack for the first time since he moved I was fully allowing for any naughty behaviour, a buck or rear would have been acceptable. If anything, he was boring haha! He was such a good boy, he schooled lovely, stood nicely to be tacked up, groomed, sprayed etc... what a fab baby :) On Monday we took Sparkie & Jack for a hack, me on Jack, Emma on Sparkie- they were both such good boys! Jack has only been on a handful of hacks in his life so again I was a bit lenient with any naughty behaviour- he had a few baby tantrums but nothing too worry about. He was even a super brave boy and managed to walk through some pretty huge puddles which he genuinely hates! He led most of the way and walked through open fields as if it was the most casual thing in the world... he makes me very proud sometime!
Then yesterday I took Sparkie to another show (poor pony eh! lol I lie.) The weather was absolutely vile, gale force winds, pitch black, pissing it down... and he was an absolute super star, I honestly cannot fault him. He was just so polite, well mannered and an absolute tank. In fact me and my mum just kept turning to each other and randomly saying things like "he's the best" or "he's honestly an angel" because he was so good! He just stood there in the dark and the wind not even tied up letting us polo wrap him and tinsel him up, he loaded straight on the trailer there and back (he actually ran up the ramp on the way there!) and he jumped fantastic, he was so honest with some of the turns I stuck on him and we won our class by 2 seconds! Very nearly did cry haha. We also did the pairs which all went tits up because I wasn't told I was entered until I actually got called into the ring and I didn't know the course and was in a flap because I had no idea what was going on, haha, so he had a stop and a run out, but it was genuinely because my riding was shite and I had no idea where I was pointing him, sorry Sparks! Still managed to come 6th though... I was super proud of him, he was honestly hoof perfect :) Definitely think giving him a break from showing has done him the world of good- he's only been to 5 shows this year and has come home with 3 1sts, a 3rd, a chocolate cake, a box of chocaltes, midarc qualifications and a voucher for a free jumping class. Honestly couldn't ask for a better pony, even if he does have his moments, he's worth it for when he shines through.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Five Day Challenge- Day 5!

Final day! (a bit late oops)
21. Favourite classes to watch
Big pony classes, like 1m10 plus I love to see! Also puissance classes and scurry racing are probably my favourites.
22. What's in your cooler at horse shows?
My Dad always brings bacon sandwiches or something along those lines... also usually chocolates and drinks (including a drink for sparkie of course)
 23. One thing about showing (or riding in general) you wish you could change?
showing is SO stressful, if it could not be that I'd love that to occur. Also no age limits on pony riders... I realise this is quite controversial as clearly it wouldn't be fair for a 7yo to be riding against a 30yo, but maybe the could split it into juniors and seniors. 24. Your ringside crew
The whole of Team Ginger!
25. Best prizes
Yesterday I won a chocolate cake that was pretty impressive...other than that I won some insurance vouchers once...

Friday, 13 December 2013

5 Day Challenge Day 4

16. One thing you'd like to change about your horse
I'm only allowed to choose one thing!?:( I have a whole bloomin' list! I would make Sparkie not allergic to himself and make Jack good to load.
17. Your horse's future
To be honest, I don't really have any plans for Sparkie's future because he's such an awkward schizophrenic child there's no point me planning ahead because he could go back to square one in a matter of days. As long as he's happy and as healthy as his stupid immune system will allow him to be, then we'll just tootle along and try to have fun. I'd like to take him to a few outings here and there such as shows and xc just to keep him ticking over and if he ever gets back to being as good a competition pony as he was that would be brilliant, but I'm counting on that or pressuring him to get there.. we'll see whatever life throws at us.
As for Jack, well he doesn't get off quite so lightly I'm afraid Mr J... I haven't got any definite plans as of yet, because he seems to change his mind daily on what he wishes to be... Ideally I'd love to BS him in the future but I don't think he's quite strong enough to do pure SJ, so hopefully I can BE him. Obviously this is very far down the line, but from day one I brought him with the intention of him being my next competition horse so I'd be pretty upset if all he amounted to was a happy hacker, lol, I'm very competitive and I've always wanted to pressure Jack ;) I feel like with the potential I know he's got (even if it's hidden) he could pretty much give anything ago so I just want him to be a nice safe all rounder to have fun on and compete :) If he does just end up being a happy hacker... well, I could never not love that overgrown pony. I know for certain that neither of them will be going anywhere any time soon!

 18. Your worst show ever
Wow, you want me to just pick one!? This question is impossible lol, please let me introduce you to Sparkie the dick face... the show where we got eliminated in every single class and 16 faults was probably not the highlight of his jumping career if I had to pick. Also the show where Jack jumped over the bloody breast bar, almost broke his leg and I had a panic attack, that was also not a fave show of mine. Aaah 2012. How I hated you.
19. Favourite horse show venue
Umm, probably Rodbaston that I've competed at.
 20. Your show day routine
Wake up, don't eat breakfast, forget to breath, do all the mundane tasks of getting ready, go to yard, catch my horse, find it is lay down in the muddiest part of the field, feel frustrated, clean horse, get tack ready, find horse has broke lead rope, chase horse down road, try to politely ask horse to load onto trailer, try to bribe horse onto trailer with treat, chase horse onto trailer with cattle prod, set off, forget to check electrics, stop, check electrics, start again, get to show, find horse is layed down in trailer, remove horse via jockey door, go book in for class, feel sick, cry, go into class, kick everyone's sorry ass (looool jk.)

Thursday, 12 December 2013

5 Day Challenge Day 3

11. Critique your horse's conformation.
Good question. One has an overly large rib cage (at least that's what he tells himself) and the other apparently looks like he may have Shetland in him. Yep. 
12. Horse's favourite riding exercise
Again, good question. Sparkie likes galloping and jumping and that is all, Jack likes being untacked.
13. Favourite spa day products
Avon skin so soft is fabulous, especially for sweet itchy ponies! Also tresemme no frizz, not sure if horses are meant to use this but it's so good at getting the tangles out!
14. Three best things about your horse
Ooohhh. Well.
1) I suppose the one of the best things about Sparkie is that he genuinely loves me which is ridiculous as he hates everyone and everything and just general life, so I feel quite privileged about this.
2) He's so cute he makes me want to die.
3) He is basically like a horse version of myself I feel. He thinks he's incapable of things, I think I'm incapable of things, he hates socialising with people, I hate socialising with people, he likes food, I like food... the list goes on and on.

1) The first time I ever met him he jumped over a stable door.
2) The second time I met him he fell asleep on my lap. Do I need to expand?
3) He is the most honest, willing to learn horse I have ever met.

1)  15. Favourite picture of your horse
Why is this even a question. I don't even know where to start. These aren't my favourites, but I just couldn't choose so have these anyway.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

5 Day Challenge Day 2

I have just returned from eating lots of food because it was Emma's birthday and we had Chinese, like, even I had Chinese which is not something I make a habit of, it was tres bien. Anyhoo.

6) Favourite equestrian book and movie.
 I used to absolutely love this one book when I was younger about a horse called Bonnie that was brought in of the moors by a boy called Ken but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called which makes me super sad :( My other favourite is a real life story called 'Lay Me Down' which will absolutely break your heart. Favourite film would probably be Spirit Stallion of the Place That's Hard To Spell because I used to watch it every day when I was little and I even knew all the words to all the songs out of it.. (I led an exciting life as a child.)

7) Most common riding misconception.When non horsey people think that anyone who owns a horse is rich. NO, GTFO.  

8) Two riding strengths and one riding weakness. 
I genuinely do not know what to write for either of these, I feel I have gotten to the point where I honestly do not give a rat's arse what I look like on my horse as long as it's doing something remotely correct, I never really pay much attention to what I'm doing right or wrong. I guess my hands are relatively ok if I had to pick something, but I am stupidly unbalanced, my heel is a crazy little thing and I cannot get the right diagonal for the life of me. Also idk what my leg spends it's life doing. Who knows!?

9) Least favourite thing about horses/riding. 
Eurgh so much to chose from... all the so-up-my-arse-I-had-to-have-my-head-surgically-removed bitches there are, the fact that you'll never get anywhere if you don't know the right names and people. I particularly dislike anyone who says 'who says cobs can't jump!?'. If you ever post that, you deserve to be high fived with a shovel.

10) What do you feed your horse?
Some chaff that smells nice, a supplement that doesn't smell quite so nice and tlc.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Five Day Challenge

(and this one isn't even over due :o)

1) Most influential person on your riding.  Gaaaaah isn't this a tough one!? Probably my Dad, because, as stupid as this sounds, if I ever needed advice on anything or I wanted a lesson, that's who I'd go to! He's never rode a horse in his lesson or really got involved with them, but he has always helped me out and came to every single one of my lessons and he must have learnt something at some point haha... changing Sparkie's bit, warming up by doing lots of transitions including rein back, giving him a break from competing, teaching Jack to canter on the right leg- these have all been down to my Dad! But then if I'm doing something wrong, or he thinks something's a bad idea (for example I suggested I might take Jack jumping few weeks ago) he'll tell me completely straight what he thinks and I need that sometimes. If I'm nervous at a show or worrying about something, he won't try to make me feel better, he'll just tell me to man up and tell me what to do better next time haha.


2) Piece of tack you'd love to splurge on.
Ooh... would love to get them both a micklem bridle, because then I could officially compete bitless! Also, JER stirrups are all kinds of beautiful..who doesn't want stirrups with their names on!? Also, two pessoa jump saddles please...

3) Top 5 riding playlist
 I don't really listen to music when I ride, but when I do it'll just be whatever I usually listen to so Jake Bugg, Arctic Monkeys, Miles Kane, Oasis, Johnny Cash, The Family Rain, Kings of Leon, Biffy Clyro, Imagine Dragons, Bastille... and so forth

4) Most important aspect of your barn.
Team Ginger live there.

5) Three winter riding goals. 
bleh goals. I don't do well with goals, because if I set goals and I then don't achieve them I will then hate myself for a good few weeks and contemplate the meaning of life (I don't understand my brain either).

Christmas Miracle X 3

Over due blog Number 3. Don't say I never give you anything.
So on Saturday my ponies said goodbye to their field and went on a venture to their new home! Jack was very reluctant to leave all this behind/is a knob/needs to sort his life out and took about 20 minutes to get on the trailer, but he travelled well AND Sparkie was in the trailer with him which is a super big achievement as last time that happened he decided to try to hang himself off the breast bar.... Jack, Jack, Jack. They now live at the same yard as Sundance, so all of Team Ginger finally lives together which is the most fabulous thing ever! They had a little bit of a run around for a five minutes, during which Jack tried to seriously maim Sunny quite a few times and then they all settled down and grazed together :)

(when the fudge did my little baby get to so flipping huge :( )
Then on Monday the impossible happened...Sunny was clipped! Last time we tried to make this happen, it just, didn't. Or it did, after 3 days and lots of swear words and 7 hours of chasing him around the yard. Well, he must have suddenly become a new horse because Emma full clipped by herself and he was so relaxed he actually went to slept... WUT?
I would also like to point out that whilst Sunny was being clipped, I brought Sparkie out the field too which meant Jack was turned out by himself. I realise this doesn't sound like a big deal, but he has always suffered from extreme separation anxiety, to the point that if Sparkie left the field to just stand on the other side of gate still in his sight, he would gallop around the field, trying to climb the fence and size up all the fences to try to jump it. Once I took Sparkie out for a two hour hack and left Jack alone and he did this for the whole two hours and did not relax until a good half an hour after Sparkie returned. Or on other occasions, if I put him in with Carling for the day and then put him back in his own field for Sparkie he would do the same or sometimes even if he with Sparkie but I left to go home he'd completely freak out. Well on Monday, he stood at the gate for a while just watching but not making a fuss and then after about 20 minutes I went to check on him and he'd just gone off and was grazing by himself! For me, seeing him grazing happily by himself could actually be one of the proudest moments I've ever had with him because never in a million years did I ever see him getting over his issues, may have had a little cry over it (I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS OK)
We also took Sparkie for a little jump that day. He was a good boy, definitely challenged me a bit though, he wasn't being the easiest Sparkie! Had a few stops here and there, but he jumped everything second time round after I got behind him and growled at him a bit, which confirms to me that his confidence is clearly not the problem anymore it's just him, in my mother's word, 'being a tit'. I almost feel like he's starting to come full circle and is back at the stage he was during 2010/2011 where he was stupidly over confident/a cocky little bugger and feels that anything below 2ft6 is not worth his time of day or respect- as soon as we put the jump up to a decent size (a lot bigger than I expected lol) he suddenly decided that maybe breaks and striding and my opinion were relatively valid. He was a very good, very cute boy though and he hacked out lovely and confident, not fazed by much! I do love that pony very much so.


Sunny did some jumps

Over due blog number 2.
Last Wednesday we took Sunny up to the jumping field for a play. Now, last time I saw Sunny jumping.. it was.. eventful. As in, the majority of the jumping session was spent with him cantering on two legs with his head between his knees. Well he couldn't of been more different! He was so calm and steady and listening really well, such a good boy- no bucks at all! He even jumped 2ft6 which is the highest he's ever jumped, whilst still in control. He does try very very hard :)

clearly not cut out for this blogging shit...

How long since I last blogged? Yeh, I don't know either. Sorry (not sorry.) I have just been super busy, places to go, people to see, musicians to fall hopelessly in love with, Finnick's to cry over... like legit I have left the house more times in the past couple of months than I have in my entire life and I'm not sure how I feel about this. I have far too much to write about, so I shall have to do more than one blog post, sorry guys (again, not actually that sorry in all honesty.)
A couple of weeks ago now, I met up with Emma and Hannah and I made the most of having a day off by having a horsey day! First we ventured over to Hannah's yard to play jumping ponies with Poppy & Victor.  Both were fab! Victor is so, so much more confident and happy the last few times I've seen him since he moved yards. He was so good for all of us, I even jumped him about 90cm/95cm which is a kind of a huge deal because I usually cry and get scared and contemplate throwing myself off the horse when anything goes over 2ft, but you can't help but feel confident on Viccles!

Also rode Hannah's 5yo Poppy, who I think I may be developing a bit of a soft spot for- she's such a honest, sweet mare! She was a lot of fun to ride and she clearly has a lot of potential :) After Hannah's, it was off to Sunny for a pedicure (for Sunny, not us just to clarify) and a pessoa session, which consisted of Sunny being very sexy and also rather adorable (how he manages both of these in one I will never know) and even showed us self-lunging skills which were very impressive.

Finally my yard and time to jump Jack! He was a super star baby pony, makes me all teary when I think about how much his jumping has come on, honestly do think I have a different horse nowadays. It was also really nice for Hannah to see him as she hasn't seem him in ages and for her to say "he's really quiet" as anyway who has spent the last two years with him will know that his groundwork has been a hell of a lot in the hardwork-the fact that he now stands still while I tack him up is something I am super grateful for and silently pray to the god of the horse world every time it happens still haha! Hannah & Emma also rode him..I would like to say he tried really hard for them but really I think he just wished for me to pat his head and put him to bed. Ah Jack.


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

New additions to Team Ginger and super duper ponies!

Sorry I haven't blogged in so long but not much has been a'happening the last month up until the last few weeks when I have been super busy, so I know have loads to write about! Firstly I'd like to say I now have two new additions to add to the Team Ginger collection- my new baby bunnies, Tris and Prim (any book fangirls out there, this one's for you ;-) ). So now onto last week...
 So many things happened! On Tuesday I had a little play with Sparkie bareback and he was fab as usual and then I jumped Jack- every time I jump him I still cannot get over the improvement in him, he is honestly like a different horse, he is such a good boy! We finished off around just under 2ft6(not that heights matter AT all) I just wanted to challenge him a bit as he now finds smaller jumps easy. He had a bit of a moment when I backed off as I wasn't completely sure of myself, but once he'd popped it once he flew it no problem and was taking me into it full of confidence and really enjoying himself :) I also went to see the amazing Mr Jake Bugg that night, who just for the record was AMAZING! Seeing him again in February and also seeing the support act The Family Rain again in a couple of weeks- any music fans, I seriously suggest you check them both out :) I also went to see Bastille on Sunday who were also pretty awesome (everyone needs a Dan Smith in their life, he's just too much adorable)
Then on Monday it was time for a ginger day! First it was Sunny's turn- well didn't he just try his absolute hardest! He's been doing a lot of pessoa work lately and it's so clear that it's made a difference- he feels so much more powerful and is pushing from behind and bringing his back up so much more. He even had to deal with cows being herded down the road, which is very exciting, but he was such a good boy- well done Sunny :)
Then it was up to my yard (after a Mcdonalds stop duh) to ride my ponies. They were also both really good boys, Sparkie jumped brilliantly- at one point I sat back and didn't push him enough into a face, and being his usual dishonest self he did put a dirty stop in, but he came back round and jumped it brilliantly which is such a big thing for him as this time last year I would probably have had to just take him and give up and after that, I think it really shows how much his confidence has come on this year. I think he's finally (thank god, it's about bloody time Sparks!!) growing up! Jack was also a good boy, he is so, so much better at the ground at the minute, definitely think he's starting to mature just hope he keeps up. Now his ground manners are pretty much sorted, I just need to get his schooling up to scratch, but we're definitely starting to fit all the pieces together I think :) However, I will be getting him a grackle bridle as he is getting a bit of a menace for crossing his jaw and evading the bit (his teeth etc are fine promise, he'd just rather not hold his own weight up if there's a chance you could haha!)
Beth, Sparkie, Jack & Carling :) xxx

Monday, 21 October 2013

grown up ponies, jumping and ginger hacks!

well don't I have a lot to write about!? Firstly I'll talk about Wednesday when me and Emma jumped Sparkie. He was such a fab little boy, as per, gahh he's the best! He hadn't jumped in a while but he was really good, not strong or silly :)

 I'm not sure if I mentioned this last time, but Jack is on a sort of bootcamp at the minute which we shall address as 'learning that we are 4 not 1 and sometimes you have to grow up and be a big boy and realise life is not all that hard' basically. This mainly consists of hacking and lunging in my 'home made' pessoa to try and make him all muscly and balanced and just generally not represent an overgrown hairy giraffe foal. He's such a quick learner, which I've always known, but he's really proved himself the last week- this is how we schooled after three lunging sessions:
I lunged him for 5 minutes on each rein before this and then I decided to just bite the bullet and get on him. This was quite a big deal because I have lost a ton of confidence with him recently and wasn't overly keen to ride him, I will happily admit we've had a few tears over the past few weeks! I'm so glad I did though, because he went really lovely for me, he tried SO hard! He obviously didn't school like the whole session, but as soon as I sorted my riding out and concentrated harder on my position, he responded so well and worked lovely- so proud of him! Just got to keep working at it now, but definitely feeling a lot more positive(until the next confidence crisis haha)

Then on Sunday, we were meant to be taking Sparkie out jumping but I got the dates wrong (I'm blonde ok) so instead I took him up to Emma's for a hack! It was all very fun, we had a lovely hack and all the ponies were well behaved, Sparkie was so calm and even lead past a tractor...clever moo moo!