Monday, 30 December 2013

So it's almost 2014...

Firstly I am writing this on my phone so please be prepared for any horrendous spelling mistakes (amused/anused for example. Not good.) is it 2014!? Wut. Why. How? Crazaaaay. I feel with 1 day left of 2013, now would be a good time to reflect on this year and also to set some goals for next year, so here we go... Basically 2013 was the best year of my life so far. This by all means doesn't mean it was all plain sailing because life just isn't, but before now when people would say to me 'it's worth it for the good moments' I honestly thought they were talking out of their arse. At the start of this year, I could quite happily tell you that there was no point to life at all. I'm not in any way trying to cry out for attention or make out I was depressed lol because I wasn't, that was just my general opinion on life I didn't understand why you had to live, like what was the purpose of all that? Why work so hard to be alive when you could just not exist instead, I mean life is hard I just didn't have time for that, I would rather have just been asleep forever and ever because sleep is easy and I can do that well. If you asked me what my opinion on life was now, I guess I can see why you'd want to do this living thing because sometimes it's kind of the most amazing thing ever and when it's like that, it is so worth it. I mean, my 13.3hh pony jumped some circling huge BE100 fences, when did I ever imagine that being a thing that happened? My horse that almost two years ago now very almost died learnt to jump and hack and do grown up things and is one day going to become the horse I always wanted. I am so, so lucky and I honestly cannot wait for 2014. (I am now going to stop being so deep and creepy/cheesy/we sometimes words fall out of my brain before I can stop them I'm sorry.) I always hate setting goals for myself because I never feel like I'm going to achieve them, but this year I'm going to give it a go and if I achieve them fantastic, if I don't, it's ok! So... *to have Jack working in a consistent outline in at least walk and trot. *to improve Sparkies flatwork slightly as I feel this is the only thing he really needs to work on now! *to jump a course on Jack *to jump 85cm/2ft9 on Jack *gallop bareback on either horses *gallop sparkie on the beach and finally *improve Jacks loading. Happy new Year and see you in 2014!

1 comment:

  1. jkhfjgkjdhgvsfuWLUHEFVJHDSFKuel Basically that is my opinion on 2013. You did good did very good.
