Wednesday, 11 December 2013

5 Day Challenge Day 2

I have just returned from eating lots of food because it was Emma's birthday and we had Chinese, like, even I had Chinese which is not something I make a habit of, it was tres bien. Anyhoo.

6) Favourite equestrian book and movie.
 I used to absolutely love this one book when I was younger about a horse called Bonnie that was brought in of the moors by a boy called Ken but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called which makes me super sad :( My other favourite is a real life story called 'Lay Me Down' which will absolutely break your heart. Favourite film would probably be Spirit Stallion of the Place That's Hard To Spell because I used to watch it every day when I was little and I even knew all the words to all the songs out of it.. (I led an exciting life as a child.)

7) Most common riding misconception.When non horsey people think that anyone who owns a horse is rich. NO, GTFO.  

8) Two riding strengths and one riding weakness. 
I genuinely do not know what to write for either of these, I feel I have gotten to the point where I honestly do not give a rat's arse what I look like on my horse as long as it's doing something remotely correct, I never really pay much attention to what I'm doing right or wrong. I guess my hands are relatively ok if I had to pick something, but I am stupidly unbalanced, my heel is a crazy little thing and I cannot get the right diagonal for the life of me. Also idk what my leg spends it's life doing. Who knows!?

9) Least favourite thing about horses/riding. 
Eurgh so much to chose from... all the so-up-my-arse-I-had-to-have-my-head-surgically-removed bitches there are, the fact that you'll never get anywhere if you don't know the right names and people. I particularly dislike anyone who says 'who says cobs can't jump!?'. If you ever post that, you deserve to be high fived with a shovel.

10) What do you feed your horse?
Some chaff that smells nice, a supplement that doesn't smell quite so nice and tlc.

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