Wednesday, 26 February 2014

So much shannanigans

Got a few days to blog about here so please bare with and be prepared for a lengthy read.

On Saturday I quickly popped up the yard for a few hours to give Jack a school. He was good to walk in and tack up and groom. The ground was even dry enough for polos, so I polo wrapped him up which he was really good for, especially considering as it was really windy and they were blowing about everywhere. The last person to ride him had been Lottie so my stirrups were at her length. I decided to leave them there because they didn't feel overly long for me and I always put my stirrups up too short anyway. I think it actually made a difference because I feel my heel was a lot better and I rode him a lot better than last time I schooled him. He went really nicely :)

Sunday was such a good day! First we went up to Aston with Maddie to pay Topper a visit. I haven't seen him since he's been clipped and he looks so freaking cute. He doesn't even have a beard!! First we all rode him in the rubber school and he was really good and then we took him into the sand school to jump. I love jumping Topper purely because I find him so funny. He's never jumped a water tray before and I took him over it, which he found pretty scary, he was certainly not touching that one. I jumped him 2ft9, which is the reason I find him so funny... most jumps he just trots past like 'hmm, no thanks' but anything above 2ft6 he flys no problem first time! Oh Topps, you crazy cob.

Then it was up to our yard so Maddie could meet Ron! He was surprisingly quite fussy to her (for him) and happy to make friends. I had a little play schooling Sunny, who was such a good boy! I was so proud of him! Now I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to schooling, so fair play to him for putting up with me. We just worked on doing lots of walk, trot, walk, trot transitions and then trying to bend a little on the left rein. We also did loads of canter transitions. The first few goes I had to give him a little tap, but he soon got the idea and was going as soon as I put my outside leg on, even on his bad rein! His canter is so much more balanced nowadays, it's getting there slowly! He was such a fab boy, well done Mr Sundance :)

Then Sunday night I went down to Manchester to see Jake Bugg (Again, I know) which was amazing. Clearly the reason I am single is because I am hopelessly waiting for him to fall in love with me so we can run away together and sing songs and live happily ever after. Yep.

Monday I was at work experience all day (on 5 hours sleep. Ew.) But, it now stays dark until 6 (WUT!? HELLO SPRING!) so we went up the yard after and had a play bareback in the sun :) First was Sparkie & Sunny's turn, they were both super cute and jumped lovely, finishing on about 2ft3 (much to Sparkie's disgust. Higher next time Sir Pone, I'm sorry.) We had so much fun and it was genuinely the best I've ever seen Sunny jump! Now one of my goals for this year was to gallop bareback, however I had planned to do this in the summer. I was umming and aahing whether to give it a go or not, so I thought I'd just go the end of the field and canter up and push him into a gallop if I felt confident. Well, Sparkie was not feeling cantering up the field and took it upon his own accord to see I completed my goal. Not sure if happy or terrified. But we did it! I also gave Jack a quick jump bareback. He's jump better before, he kept running out, but watching the videos back I feel it was because he was jumping over the pole in front of the jump (it's a pole mate, not a jump) which was putting his striding off for the next fence, silly hoss. He wasn't awful though and actually jumped really nicely over the fences he did do. Think I'll be sticking up some V poles next time, just so he doesn't get into a habit of running out. I tried to take him for a gallop after, but he did the worlds most slow gallop, it was pretty much slow motion lol. Oh Jack. Maybe I just stick to galloping him bareback instead of Sparkie.


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