Friday, 7 March 2014

MOT time!

Last Wednesday the boys had a well over due visit from the vets for a MOT. It's something I've been putting off and putting off due to Jack not being the easiest for the vets... last time he was injected he went from being hopping lame to suddenly being able to vertically rear and ran off round the yard with the syringe sticking out of his neck halfway. Not enjoyable. The vet was so good with him on Wednesday and just gave him lots of pats and cuddles and then quickly injected when he wasn't looking. I don't think he even realised anything had happened! He was watching all the other horses like 'Hahahahahah, poor you being injecting, I didn't have to have mine na na na naaaah'. We'll let you believe that if you wish Jack. Sparkie was really good for both his vaccinations and his teeth, time to learn from the best Jack ;) The next day we schooled Sunny & Jack with mis matchy polos which is always adorable. Jack went really nicely, still not as sharp as I'd like to be with his initial canter transitions but he always gets there after the first few and his walk to canter is definitely something that seems to be coming together nicely :) Worked on 20m and 10m canter circles, his canter is so much more balanced now!

Then on Monday we decided to have a play bareback with Sparkie & Sunny. Both were very good boys and everyone had fun! Sparks felt really confident and jumped the biggest I have done bareback in a very long time with no hesitation.

not a jump. Serious.

Dat forelock.


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