Thursday, 13 March 2014

Twinnies doing me proud!

Blogging about multiple days here as per usual! Played Chase Me Charlie with both the twinnies this week and they were both absolutely amazing, I could not have been more proud of them! Before I write this blog, I'd just like to point out that at many points the words 'I don't think he's really a jumping horse' have been repeated many a time about both Sunny & Jack.  Also, both of them had never done spreads before and Jack saw coloured poles and fillers for the first time last month and was falling over cross poles 8 months on. Sunny was struggling over 2ft6 last month and we had sad 'that's probably his max for now'. Please absorb all that information before reading on. Okay.
 So on Monday it was Sunnys turn. He warmed up beautifully, you could clearly see how much difference just two schooling sessions had made to his balance and responsiveness. It seems that every time he jumps he improves and on Monday he was just amazing. It was the best I've ever seen him jump by a long way! His striding was ten times better and he was stretching out and using himself really well, he did courses and spreads and cantered into fences and round corners... aaah, he was fabulous. He jumped the highest both him and Emma have jumped (95cm) with ease, what a star.

Then yesterday it was time for Jack's turn. Well. My goal was to jump 85cm with him by the end of the year, which we achieved a few weeks ago. Now add +20cm to that. Yeh, no I wasn't expecting that one either. He too seems to get better every time I jump him, we warmed up nicely, his transitions were good and his canter was nice and balanced. We also completed another one of our goals for the year- to jump a course! Okay, it was only a three jump course, but he jumped it lovely in a consistent, steady canter the whole way round. His canter to jumps was so collected but still full of impulsion it felt beautiful to ride. We just kept putting the jump up hole by hole and he was finding it no problem and then all of a sudden it ended up on 1m5. He knocked it a few times, purely because he got a bit cocky and didn't try, so we put it down one side so I could get my confidence back a bit (me not Jack!). He jumped it easily, so we put it back to 1m5 and then wow... he was not knocking that down again haha! He absolutely flew, from the videos you would think he was jumping top of the wings haha! He made me sooooo proud. He also jumped nicely for his Mummy (as much as he would like to think otherwise) Emma as well, which was nice to see :) Super twinnies!

Then today Sunny and Jack went hacking together which was super fun :)

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