Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Worming Fiasco & Other Tales

So much to blog about when so little days have happened! Last Wednesday I managed to worm Jack for the first time. (I realise this sounds like I have never wormed him... I have, he's just always had to have it in his tea.) He is not a fan of being wormed, or syringed or injected etc and his reaction is to rear and leave through the nearest expert whenever he even senses that you may possibly be worming him. This happened for a good 20 minutes, however, after a lot of tears, sweat and lots and lots of choice words, I managed to get him to take his wormer! This is a HUGE achievement! On the Saturday after said worming fiasco, Lottie came up to snuggle ponies and take pretty photos (which she is very good at!!) Dusty was a...  challenge... to tack up that day, mainly because he was being super wary in case I suddenly tried to worm him again haha! He escaped onto the garden...three times. I was not most pleased. He however then (as usual) completely redeemed himself by hacking lovely, doing some nice (and stupidly powerful, hello arse muscles) flatwork and lovely, controlled gallops. His rearing was also a lot better, possibly because some one was stood with him, but hey, I'll take that!

Then on Saturday we brought some new jumps eeeh! We were itching to use them, so the next day we quickly we went down the field, stuck Sparkie's boots and bridle on, whipped off his rug and had a little jump bareback. He was such a good little boy, even jumped the sheep, oh so casually. Bless him, there's a reason he's my favourite little pony!
Then today, for the first time this year, I was able to ride (of sorts!) after college! We were aiming to just go down and pet them, but we brought headcollars and hats and cameras and then suddenly we were riding bareback again. Woops. Well it was a pretty hilarious night! Sunny felt the need to jump the trotting poles as if they were a huge spread and then go for an impromptu gallop, because hey, life's fun when you get ridden in a head collar. Jack was just plain adorable! He has never seen coloured poles in his life or been ridden in a head collar full on bareback and I honestly didn't know how he would react to the new jumps... Zero reaction. I was so so proud! Another redeeming moment!


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