Tuesday 18 June 2013

please stop growing now...

rode Mr Jack today! I have no pictures because I was up by myself :( but he was super duper! changed his bit over to a hanging cheek as even though the other one was recommend by his dentist, for some reason he didn't seem 100% comfortable with it, but he foamed up to the hanging cheek today and didn't throw his head around so I think I made the right decision :) Rode him in the bigger part off the field so didn't really know what to expect..he went really well and a lot steadier and balanced than he's been lately, which is surprising as he's soooo bum high atm! Measured him at 15hh at his bum yesterday..
enough growing now Jack, just level off please! ;) He was even rounding his back and working into the contact at some points today :) overbent quite a lot in canter, but still super pleased with how much better his canter feels now!

Sunday 16 June 2013

Gridwork & fun...

Aloha mes amigos! This weekend has been rather fun :) It consisted of a sleepover, films and gridwork with Sparkie! Sparkie was really good for both me and Emma, it was my first time doing grids with him so more than likely his first time to and he didn't bat an eyelid just beasted down it no problem and even did a few 1m jumps! He just feels fantastic at the moment, have such a big smile on my face when I ride him :) don't want to jinx anything though ;) show time next weekend hopefully!

Wednesday 12 June 2013

poorly Jack!

Today it rained. That didn't put me off though, me & Dad trooped off up the yard. After we mucked out I brought Sparkie in, gave him a quick groom and then lunged him which he thought was super fun..
he seems to think it's appropriate to canter off and take himself over jumps off his own accord...he does make laugh! Jack's turn next...he didn't want to come in so I had to chase him for a good few minutes first, little bugger! I thought he looked a little bit stiff, but I'm always really paranoid anyway so I didn't think much more of it. Brought him and groomed him, had a bit of a paddy over being sprayed but I can leave him tied up now and all four feet are remaining on the ground so definitely seeing an improvement. He also stood lovely and still while I put his new brushing boots on :) He lunged lovely on his right rein but then when I asked him for canter on the other rein he started broncing and rearing which is really unlike him...at first I thought it was because of the boots or because he's it's his bad rein, but he was being perfect the other way so I asked my Dad if he thought he was carrying his leg and it wasn't just me being paranoid but he noticed it's too so I gave him a pat and walked him off before trotting him up and he definitely didn't look 100% right...happy that we spotted it quickly though and considered everything rather than just putting it down to naughtiness straight away! Going to let him rest for a few days and see how he is, hopefully he will very back to normal soon :) xxx

Monday 10 June 2013

The day we equally shared our chicken nuggets

I really could not think of an appropriate title..I'm sorry. So yesterday was my last 'day off' if you like, where I had no school work to do, so I made the most of it and went to visit my old yard with one of my friends Maddie to see her horses Topper & Splodge. First Maddie rode Topper and he was super for her, so lovely to see him going so nicely as she's really worked hard with him and he's been a bit of a monkey in the past. I've known him since the first day she brought him as a 3yo, so it's been nice to see him grow up :) He's so much better now! Then I rode him...it's been about 6 months since I last rode him probably and he has come on loads, he used to be quite difficult to get into canter and nap a lot, but he went straight away when I asked on both reins and came straight back down and he didn't nap once! Yay!
We then went up to my yard and I rode Jack, who was a bit speedy and not listening to me all the time, but it's ok, he's allowed to have his moments and he did settle down and do some nice work for a few minutes now and then. His canter was brilliant anyway, can't believe how much better he's getting! Even took him for a canter in the longer grass round the whole field and he came straight back to me and didn't try to take a hold and speed up- good ginger! Just wish his trot was the same now, hmmph :( Maddie said she was impressed by how much he'd come on since she last saw him (bearing in mind the last time she was Jack he was waving his legs in her face and then proceeded to lie down on the floor, so I'm not sure this counts) which is nice and that he looks really well! Then Emma came up and we went to McDonalds and we shared chicken nuggets..or basically me & Emma ate them all and Maddie watched and occasionally ate a chip, but that's ok, we just like food. 

Beth, Sparkie, Jack & Carling :) xxx

Saturday 8 June 2013

doing my research + good Jack

Making it my aim to get on top of this blogging malarky and keep making regular blogs as it's nice as something to look back on! 
 The other night I found Sparkie & Jack's passport out and decided to see if I could find anything interesting on google. Found nothing too interesting out about Jack just that he was from a place in Wales called Gowlg-y-Dwyn..he's had an easy life has our Jack! Sparkie has three different names on his passport, including mine, and he's also had three other owners who haven't been recorded on his passport. When you type the original name from the front of his passport in google, the only thing that comes up is pages and pages of auctions lists from Cornwall with different young colts on each time..makes me a little bit sad really. Also made me realise I've owned Sparkie more than half his life..how crazy is that!? 
 Also rode Jack yesterday and he was a very good boy, his canter work is getting so much better, just hope he carries on improving! He's also getting a lot better with sprays and handling, very long process but I'm pretty happy seeing as this time last week it took me 45 minutes to even get near him with the fly spray and now he's happily wearing a fly mask and it only takes about 10 minutes to spray him. Both ponies are looking so well at the moment and super shiny! Yay! 

Beth, Sparkie, Jack & Carling :) xxx

Thursday 6 June 2013

The mysterious case of the missing post & other adventures..

Basically a couple of days ago I wrote a post about my awesome day Sunday and celebrating Sparkie & Jack's birthdays but sadly that has disappeared...where to you ask!? Well, I don't know! So sorry, that is gone to the land of blogs that are no more...
 Anyhoo, now my exams are FINALLY over, I've had a super productive day today! Firstly, me and my mum bathed all three ponies. I hogged Sparkie's mane and my mum clipped the superman sign onto him to give him that extra dose of swag.. He's such a good boy, stands perfectly still to be clipped! Had a bit of a fidget when we bathed him, but nothing major, so he was good! Next it was Carling's turn, who as usual, was a good boy (when is he not!?) Then it was Jack's turn.. the plan was just to hose his feet to desensitize him to the hose slowly as he hasn't been bathed very often and not for a while and he's usually quite spooky and a pain to do things with, but he stood perfectly still and let me bath him all over by myself without even anyone holding him, so I was super pleased, very good baby horse! 

Then when my Dad came up I rode Sparkie. Was just planning on schooling him, but then my Dad set up a little grip for me, so it was a bit rude to waste his efforts ;) he schooled really nicely actually anyway, rode him in a bit for once, and he was very almost thinking about bending. Practiced a little show routine as I'd like to try a wh class with him at one point and it was pretty decent! He jumped sooo well, and then took him for a blast down the field to finish which he loved...such a good day! Super happy Beth :)