Saturday 8 June 2013

doing my research + good Jack

Making it my aim to get on top of this blogging malarky and keep making regular blogs as it's nice as something to look back on! 
 The other night I found Sparkie & Jack's passport out and decided to see if I could find anything interesting on google. Found nothing too interesting out about Jack just that he was from a place in Wales called Gowlg-y-Dwyn..he's had an easy life has our Jack! Sparkie has three different names on his passport, including mine, and he's also had three other owners who haven't been recorded on his passport. When you type the original name from the front of his passport in google, the only thing that comes up is pages and pages of auctions lists from Cornwall with different young colts on each time..makes me a little bit sad really. Also made me realise I've owned Sparkie more than half his crazy is that!? 
 Also rode Jack yesterday and he was a very good boy, his canter work is getting so much better, just hope he carries on improving! He's also getting a lot better with sprays and handling, very long process but I'm pretty happy seeing as this time last week it took me 45 minutes to even get near him with the fly spray and now he's happily wearing a fly mask and it only takes about 10 minutes to spray him. Both ponies are looking so well at the moment and super shiny! Yay! 

Beth, Sparkie, Jack & Carling :) xxx


  1. Yay! Pleas blog lots because I like reading bloggies :)

  2. I promise I will do my very best!
