Monday 24 March 2014

The 'I can't remember what it was called something about sins' Tag!

So I got tagged to do this by Emma and I don't like to disappoint so here we go.. (this was really hard ok)

Seven great things/strengths in your riding life
1 - I have the most amazing ponies I could ever have wanted. Granted, none of them are ever what I'd go out and buy if I was looking for my 'dream horse', but they are all absolute little crackers and I wouldn't change them for anything.
2 - I have fabulous friends who take the bitchy horsey stereotype and kick it up the ass. I love them all to pieces, they keep me sane, especially Emma and Maddie obviously, the best friends I could wish for :) 
3 -  Team Ginger. (pretty sure the top two points cover this, but shh)
4 - My horsey wardrobe. It's so colourful and matchy matchy.
5 - Sparkie. I just felt he deserved his own bullet point because he's fricking awesome. 

6- Jack. Because he would have felt left out otherwise. 
7- My personal trainer. Well, not quite, but I am so lucky to have a parent as supportive as my Dad is to me. He helps me out with the horses so much. 

Seven things you lack or covet for you or your horse

1 - 16.1hh, Liver Chestnut TB or ISH, been there done that. Please and thank you.
2 - A nice leather, custom made GP saddle for Jack. His saddle at the minute is stupidly forward cut and a bit too big for me..
3 - A little 3/4 horse lorry
4 - An arena at our yard plz. May as well throw in an indoor arena whilst your at. Oh and a lunge pen. 
5 -JER Stirrups <3 

6- Royal Blue Show Jacket. 
7- XC Colours (can we just note how this went from a horse to xc colours. Clearly I need to get a check on reality.) 

Seven things that make you angry

1 - Myself and my riding. Like seriously, I'm very annoying you know.
2 - 85% of people in the horse world. Not even sorry. They're all just rude and stupid. Woops. 
3 -Attention seekers. For example statuses such as 'feel like I'm far too heavy for my horse nowadays :/' or 'omg *insert name here* is so naughty rearing and bucking, I'd like to see anyone else try and ride them, haha would hate to have a boring horse.' Please stfu. Please do not try to make your horse out to be something more than it is, having a naughty horse is not something to be proud of and don't try to provoke people to give you hate comments and then cry about it after. 
4 - Horses not loading is the most frustrating thing eveeeeeer. 
5 -Second to loading, is running out. Does not my nut in. I'd rather have a stopper any day!

6- People's obsession with the size of the jumps. I mean, I do put the sizes of fences on captions etc just in case people ask, but for some people it's such a huge thing, it's like every time they ride they have to document exactly how big and wide every fence is and if it wasn't big, well it wasn't worth jumping. There is nothing wrong with jumping small jumps guys! Also to do with this point is people over jumping their horse and not knowing their limits or seeing when their uncomfortable with the height your asking them for. It's all well and good jumping 1m20 but if your horse looks like it's having a seizure mid jump it's probably not worth it. 
7- People who drag their horses head in and saw their reins 

(really hoping not many people read my blog right about now)

Seven things you neglect to do or cut corners on

1 - Definitely poo picking haha!
2 - Cleaning tack 
3 - Cleaning my trailer out. I really do need to sort that out, I am determined to clean it all out and paint it for the summer!
4 - Paying my livery on time. I always end up working on livery day so I can never get to the yard oops...

5 - 

(I got stuck)

Seven most expensive things you own for your horse/riding

1 -Sparkie.. the most expensive horse I've ever brought at £1500 (can you tell I'm a cheapskate or)
2 -My trailer. My trailer was £1200 which was more than I was hoping to spend but it's in really good condition and hasn't been used much :)
3 -Sparkie's saddle... if that can count as I won it free in a competition! However if I'd paid for it it would have been £850. I loves it so much.
4 -Micklem Multi-Bridle
5 - Brogini Boots 

6- Jack. Purely for all his bloody vet bills!
7- Jumps

Seven guilty pleasures or favorite items

1 - Dance Moms. Not horsey but definitely guilty. 
2 - Horseland. Wow did I actually just type that down....
3 - Being all the gear no idea. I love it.
4 - I once wrote a four page essay about laminitis. Yep. Followed by one on sweet itch. As you can tell I don't leave the house often. 
5 - My race safe. It's so in your face and over the top haha

6- I have a red show jacket that I absolutely love but I look like a complete tool jumping unaff in it.. it was only £25 don't judge me 
7- I really love Jack's breastplate, that has to be one of my favourite items

Seven things you love about horses and riding 
 ( things are about to get cheesy)
1 - When you have a completely shit day and then you go up the yard and see those squidgy little faces and everything feels a bit better. 
2 - The little things, like when your horse stands still to be tacked up or behaves for the farrier or just a quite evening hack. 
3 - Making overly cheesy 'journey' videos and having a little cry
4 - When your horse does something you weren't expecting or something you've been working on for a while finally clicks for them
5 -Riding bareback in summer

6-Competing. This is a bit of a mixed one for me because I don't really love competing as much as I used to, but I'm determined I will do that again one day! Such a good feeling to jump round a jump off at top speed and get your turns on point and know that you've done a cracking round.
7- Spending time just snuggling with ponies.

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