Wednesday 18 September 2013

I really need a new laptop

Blogging is very difficult for me at the moment hence the lack of blogs :( my laptop has well and truelly packed in on me, which obvious and the blogger website makes it freeze and crash... I do have my phone, but autocorrect makes that a very slow process...aah fun! I do have a new laptop on order so hopefully once that's here I'll be able to write more often! The ponies have had a quiet few weeks just hacking and long reining...they've both had quite a busy summer, so it's been nice for them to have a chill before the winter season starts up :) I've also been ill for the past few weeks which hasn't made riding very fun, but on Monday I managed to drag myself up the yard somehow and exercise both of the gingers...first was Jacks turn. First off he learnt to walk over the tarpaulin. Obviously he was quite hesitant to begin with and kept threatening to rear haha, good job I just find him amusing! With a bit of persuasion and a lot of treats he did get the hang of it though, I was happy with him especially as it was very windy! I then loose jumped him, because he's worked super hard lately and been schooling really nice and he absolutely loves loose jumping so it was a nice reward for him. Apart from sizing up the fence and trotting into everything (little monkeys not scared of the lunge whip!), he was brilliant, still amazed how much his jumping technique has improved. I put the jump up a little and he definitely shocked me... He trotted into it as laid back as always and then a stride out he suddenly pinged it from nowhere- his front feet were up by his ears haha, honestly wish I'd got a picture, it was hilarious! He ended up jumping 2ft6 which is such a big deal for Jack the non jumping horse...I do hope he doesn't jump all bigger fences like that, I am not feeling spending my life clinging around his neck haha. I also rode Sparkie after he was a very good boy and worked nicely :)

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