Tuesday 3 September 2013

Scope Blog 3- Even Sparkie does schooling sometimes

So on the third day, we quickly went up to scope in the morning to make a few purchases (Emma brought some boots) and I brought some red polo wraps for Sparkie... and, obviously, our most important purchases of the day were our personalised saddle cloths! It took us AGES to find a red saddle cloth in Sparkie's size, which may have been somewhat due to the fact that all the sizes were in German! After some lunch we went up to my yard, and, too Sparkie's horror, we schooled (it would have been rude not to with new polo wraps, come on Sparkie!). Sparkie probably only gets schooled like once a month, he mainly just hacks and jumps once a week, sometimes twice a week because, well, he feels it is not necessary for him, thankyou very much. He looked super duper cute in his polos, his legs are so tiny they just kept going round and round, haha! Emma rode Sparkie and I rode Jack and they both schooled very well... I was very proud of the fact that Sparkie did actually put some effort in and try his hardest, haha, bless him. He's actually really good at all the schooling exercises, such as figures of eights, serpentines etc, he just feels working correctly is beneath him and trot work is pointless and you must go everywhere in either walk or canter or gallop. Jack was really good too, *touch wood* he hasn't been nappy or rushed in his trot work at all recently, good boy Jack! I decided to try and have a go at walk to canter with him as a bit of fun, not expecting him to really get it, but he completely suprised me and picked it up so quickly! Not the most perfect transitions, but for a first attempt he was pretty darn good, he's such a quick learner. Before we cooled down, we took them both for a gallop... or at least Sparkie went for a gallop, Jack went for a slightly more extended canter than usual with the odd gallop stride here and there, haha, oh Jack!

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