Tuesday 24 September 2013

This or That Tag...

Here we go...seeing as I have like 2 followers lol, if anyone wants to do this go ahead, I'm not planning to tag anyone!

Appaloosa or Coloured: Appaloosa, I find some coloureds really ugly and some beautiful but I love all Appys!
Palomino or Buckskin: Palomino, although I like both..I love unique coloured horses

Bay or Chestnut: Bay, who even likes chestnuts omg seriously
Star or Stripe: Star
 Mare or Gelding: Gelding, purely because I've only ever had one mare
Quarter Horses or Arabians: Arab, so pretty!
Fjord or Haflinger: aaah tough again, but probably Fjord, I find them both cute but much too cobby and table top like for me
Clydesdale or Percheron: meh, Clydesdale
Thoroughbred or Warmblood: Thoroughbreds hands down, I'm such a thoroughbred person! I grew up around TBs, and if I ever got another horses I'd probably look at an OTTB
Connemara or Welsh D: Connemara, I like some Welsh Ds but I just don't find they suit me personally, to much pony for too little person
Cross Country or HuntingCross country as I've never been hunting!
Working Hunter or Show Jumping: Show Jumping as I've never done Working Hunter

Dressage or Cross Country: Cross Country
Local or Affiliated Shows: local, wish I could say affiliated but I'm not good enough lol
One Day or Weekend Shows: Weekend shows are so fun, I love it!

Pessoa or Bates: Pessoa
Flash or Grackle: grackle
Polo Wraps or Boots: depends what I'm doing, on a general basis boots because they're not as piddly to put on
Wraps or Travel Boots: neither...Am I a bad person?
Square Pads or Numnah: Square pads
Standing or Running Martingale: Running, don't really understand standing martingales

Caldene or Dublin: Caldene (like I can afford it lol)

Traditional or Technical Fabric Jackets: like both
Field Boots or Dress Boots: what is the difference!? lol
Black Jacket or Navy Jacket: meh, I have a navy jacket, I love tweed jackets though or royal blue jackets
Spurs or no Spurs: either or, not fussed, sometimes I wear spurs, sometimes I don't, I find them really useful for Sparkie sometimes as he's quite whip shy, but then my leg position is pretty shite so I probs shouldn't even wear spurs but... #abuse
Crop or no Crop: generally no crop, but if I'm hacking I will always take a crop
Charles Owen or GPA: oooooh...I love GPAs but I doubt they'd suit me so Charles Owen

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