Monday 16 December 2013

Five Day Challenge- Day 5!

Final day! (a bit late oops)
21. Favourite classes to watch
Big pony classes, like 1m10 plus I love to see! Also puissance classes and scurry racing are probably my favourites.
22. What's in your cooler at horse shows?
My Dad always brings bacon sandwiches or something along those lines... also usually chocolates and drinks (including a drink for sparkie of course)
 23. One thing about showing (or riding in general) you wish you could change?
showing is SO stressful, if it could not be that I'd love that to occur. Also no age limits on pony riders... I realise this is quite controversial as clearly it wouldn't be fair for a 7yo to be riding against a 30yo, but maybe the could split it into juniors and seniors. 24. Your ringside crew
The whole of Team Ginger!
25. Best prizes
Yesterday I won a chocolate cake that was pretty impressive...other than that I won some insurance vouchers once...

1 comment:

  1. I would like to not compete against the 7 year olds please as most of them are better riders than I am. Thanks. I compete against myself.
